Dec 24, 2013

Getting a head start for the New Year Fitness Craze

I am realizing I have just been far too lazy with any kind of workout regime in the last few months.
I know I always feel awesome after a workout and yet, it is so much easier to stay curled up on the couch these days.
My body is literally aching to move though.
I find myself NEEDING to stretch, to flex, to do anything that isn't sitting.

I could blame stress and schedules but we all know those are just excuses.
Exercise eases stress and helps calm a packed schedule.

So, starting today, Christmas Eve, and heading in through spring, the goal will be to workout at least three days a week.
If I'm feeling awesome and want to do more?
That's just dandy.
If it's less one week? Fine.
But I will work to not make it a habit.

Honestly, all it takes is a few minutes of trolling Pinterest's Fitness section or skimming the hubbies Playboy to give me a smidge of motivation to get moving.

I want to try to stick to a Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday schedule.
Possibly adding in Sunday if the mood strikes.

Tuesdays will be Cardio at 5:30am.
Thursdays will be Muscle Conditioning at 5:30am.
Saturdays will be Hot Yoga at 8:30am.
Sundays will be another muscle day if it works out.

January through March are always the most depressing months.
Lack of sunlight, warmth, and fresh air leave me cranky and depressed.
I hope to counter that a bit with kicking my ass into gear and maybe doing some progress pics again.
Errbody loves a good progress pic photo op.

Hitting my 30's means my metabolism will start to slow down so am hoping to counteract that as much as possible.
Plus, all the Christmas cookies will soon be out of my house!
The bikini's are already on the shelves at it's just a matter of time before we start have a ton of pool parties!!

TBag. Out.

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