Aug 30, 2016

Taking it all in

No folks, this isn't some seedy porno title, it's supposed to be reflective and thoughtful.... and maybe unintentionally graphic and hilarious, even if it's just to me.

Moving on.

As the days wind down to our transfer, I find myself at a weird juxtaposition of trying to slow down and really breathe life in, and also trying to cram in as much stuff each day before D-Day.

The cramming of things basically includes all alcohol-related activities, which, is essentially anything that you can drink at.

And, lesbihonest, drinking is winning. YOLO

A night out wasn't really a priority, seeing as how much debt we've accumulated, but I seriously needed it.

WE seriously needed it.

Earlier that morning we were both venting to each other about how overwhelming life seems right now. This year is probably one of the hardest years of our lives as a married couple, outside of any extra-curricular drama that never seems to end.

And I'm sure most parents who are reading this are all, "just wait til the baby comes if you think THIS is hard."

And I get it. I don't need a lecture.
But again, as I have said many, MANY times, most people don't have to go through the ringer with infertility to try and get pregnant. Most people don't have to dump THOUSANDS into making a baby before the baby arrives.

Outside of the money, the emotional toll is the real kick-in-the-sack.

It takes a strong, level-headed couple to take on infertility and the challenges it faces.

We are handling it. It's tough, but we are handling it.

Adulting is hard enough. The day to day grind, trying to do my best to hit the gym on a regular basis, be successful at work, budget, grocery shop, meal prep, clean the house, do the laundry, sleep well, take care of three high-maintenance pets, keep our relationship running can become overwhelming sometimes on its own.

And then throw in infertility, and never-ending IVF treatments, and be forced to take down hormones that make you feel depressed, AND then deal with outside shit?!

It's too much right now.

Mark vented about how no matter where he is, he always has to fix or maintain something, at work, at home, everywhere. He's tired of fixing things.

I am too. I am tired of fixing my family. I am tired of being the responsible one with all the knowledge and resources. It's draining trying to keep everyone together.

We're both tired from going above and beyond all the time.

We wake up well before sunrise, and don't stop going at this furious pace until it's time to hit the hay, and then I hope to God the medication I'm on doesn't keep me awake swimming in a pool of my own sweat.

All this to say, we needed a break, so come Hell or high water, we set out Saturday night to see a comedian.

After dealing with another on-set of family drama, and racing back to my house to get ready, I had exactly 28 minutes to shower, put on make-up, get dressed, help get the dogs fed and put away, and take my nightly Lupron injection before walking to the train.

With only seconds to spare, I finished my injection, slapped on an ice-pack, and we headed out.


The night was awesome and weird.
The first words uttered by two guys in the vestibule as we stepped onto the train out for the's everywhere.

And it really was.

Turns out, there was a 21st birthday pub crawl and the man of the hour managed to go to black-out city before the sun went down. When the train jerked taking off between stops, it launched him off balance, allowing a metal corner to meet his skull.

Alcohol thins your blood and since it was a head over.

Apparently his mom knew what to expect as she and a couple other mom's were there chaperoning.
Let me repeat.....there were multiple mom's chaperoning a 21st birthday party pub crawl.

What this little distraction did was get us a free ride.

We hopped off at Durty Nellie's where we watched Craig Gass perform.
We snagged a high-top table all to ourselves and managed to sit in a section where I knew the bartender.  Heavy-wine pours ensued.

The next thing we know the bartender is setting up a new table right next to us.
We asked should we move, and he said, "no, you're gonna want to stick around for this."

And in walks a couple members from Anthrax and their friends......who were, in turn, friends with Craig Gass.  It seems to be the year of meeting celebrities, huh?

So Craig Gass was a former-regular on Howard Stern, so of course my husband loves him. These days he does celebrity voice-over impressions on Family Guy and American Dad, which we both love.

And we end up growing some balls and chatting with Anthrax and Craig after the show.
Super cool guys, by the way. And they didn't really mind us fan-girling.

The night ended with Mark and me leaping into our pool and losing our clothes along the way, and an EPIC hangover to match an EPIC night.  #noragrets #notevenoneletter

Cheers to still being able to drink for three more weeks!
Thanks for reading! XO


  1. Sounds like a blast! (Also: makes me want a night out with my fella....)

  2. Your first sentence made me LOL. So glad you had one last wild epic night out. Totally and completely deserved. Yeah for naked swimming!!!!

  3. I'm so glad you had a fun night. If anyone gives you that "just wait til the baby..." bullshit, send them my way. The receptionist at the RE of all places today was like "Don't be nervous yet, you're just getting started!" HARHAR I will end you lady. Not all RE patients are infertility patients. This IS the uncertain part for me.

  4. Adulting is hard, no matter if you have kids or not. Glad you were able to let loose for one night! :D

  5. You needed a fun night! Sounds fabulous . . . minus the excess of blood from someone else!!!
